r/Subaru is a place for Subaru enthusiasts to show off their rides, discuss modifications, mechanical issues, industry news, etc. Any post or comments requesting coupons will be removed. Please do not post requests for Subaru Ambassador Coupons. Open discussion is welcomed, but all posts must be Subaru related. Subaru must be the primary subject of all posts and photos. However, we encourage you to post your specific photo on a given day for maximum Karma exposure. This does not mean you cannot post whatever random photo you would like on any given day. Having special days for the photos you really want to see helps with that. As such, we always like to have more participation from family members. Here at /r/Subaru we like to do things as a family. We've partnered up with a fan made Discord group to bring people closer together. We thank him for doing this for us and encourage you to pick one up today! $5 gets you a large snoo(baru) or two tone vinyl of your choice. $3 gets you a small snoo(baru) or /r/Subaru vinyl of your choice. It's high quality, so we feel it's well worth the Money.

However, he is running a business and charges for his work. We would like to thank /u/teejaydub who has stepped forward with his print shop and volunteered to do this. Please take the time to read our Guidelines and remember to check out the New section.